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bodylove · basics

the dreamy duster

the dreamy duster

Introducing our newest addition to the Bodylove Basics collection - the Dreamy Duster Dress! Designed with your comfort and confidence in mind, this dress is a must-have for every woman, no matter what size she is.

Crafted from advanced ribbed fabric, this dress offers a unique blend of softness and support. The inside feels incredibly smooth against your skin, while the outside presents a flattering long line look that enhances your natural curves.

We love to look good but we also love functionality, which is why we've included deep pockets on the front panels of the duster dress perfect for keeping your essentials close at hand, these pockets add a little more convenience and practicality

Our Dreamy Duster Dress is designed to be low-maintenance. Simply toss it in the wash, and it will come out wrinkle-free and fabulous every time. You can count on this duster dress to keep you looking polished and put together, without the hassle of ironing.

The Dreamy Duster Dress is available in two classic colors - black and tan.

We believe that every woman deserves to feel comfortable and confident in her own skin. That's why the Dreamy Duster Dress is available in size fluid sizes, ranging from small to 4x.

As always we are committed to providing inclusive sizing options that cater to women of all shapes and sizes, ensuring that everyone can embrace their bodies just the way they are.

Experience the comfort, style, and confidence that the Dreamy Duster Dress brings. Shop now!
Regular price $13.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.50 USD
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