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copper + pine

4oz everything spray

4oz everything spray

discover the amazing versatility of this amazing new product! our room spray is made from CLEAN INGREDIENTS and is perfect product for SO many places, including yourself! enjoy a more inviting home with this unique all-purpose spray!

ideas for use:

cleaning sprays, hand sanitizing sprays, surface cleaners,  linen sprays, body sprays + more!

why choose our room spray?

we use organic products that are:

praben + phthalate free

environmentally friendly



gentle on skin *GREAT for hand sanitizer!*

*NOT recommended on leather

*we also recommend first testing on an inconspicuous patch of fabric when using with fine textiles as some essential oils are not clear colored and can discolor 

click here to learn about each scent

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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