All the Movies I'm Showing My Gen Z Sister

All the Movies I'm Showing My Gen Z Sister

Raise your hand if you have a Gen Z sister who’s desperate for some movie education. (*Abi raises own hand*) You guys, I take my role as Sophie’s older sister very seriously, and when I realized just how many amazing movies this 18-year-old hasn’t seen yet, I wasn’t mad, I was just very, very disappointed. In both of us. Now I’m taking matters into my own hands and introducing her to the greats – a new movie every time she comes home from college! We’ll use this list – let us know if we’re missing one of your favorites and we’ll add it.

UPDATE: We've added all your suggestions to a printable list for you HERE.

Romantic Drama Romantic Comedy Comedy Dark Comedy Drama Western War Action / Adventure Thriller / Suspense / Horror SciFi/ Action Fantasy Family Musical

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I feel like you need to add The Patriot to the war category and Lethal Weapon to the action/adventure category.

TaraDawn Gerlitz

First night with Sean Connery is awesome!


Can we have a PFD of these? Please.

Toni Rogers

Great list! Thanks for sharing.

I forgot to thank you for the recommendation of the hug pajamas! Comfiest sleep wear ever! (Long night gown.)

Kelly Webster

Where is the The Godfather?!?!??
And Romancing the stone, Shall We Dance?


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