Mexico Recap

Mexico Recap

Wow! What a trip! Laura Goodson has been connected with me on Instagram well before Carol. I have no clue how she found me. We always DM’ed and connected via Instagram, and when she had business in Salt Lake City a few months ago, she asked to meet in real life and I jumped at the chance. We ended up chatting all night. It was so fun to sit down and actually get to know her. She invited me to her show in Mexico City and I bought a ticket right then and there. It was the most random, spontaneous thing I have ever done in my life. The night before I left I got super nervous, but decided to still go for it and make the trek down there. Laura and her fiancé Magen paid for everything except my plane ticket. It was so generous and I felt taken care of the entire time, from a personal driver picking me up at the airport to staying at one of the most incredible Haciendas in all of Mexico. I had no clue what to expect really, but I felt like I was in a 007 film. It was a real once in a lifetime opportunity and as I ponder over the experience I realize I learned a few things that I’d love to share here.
  1. Saying Yes takes courage, but the risk is always worth it. Whether it’s a good or bad experience, you will learn something. There is no growth in our comfort zones. There is no great reward without a big risk. I’m not saying be stupid and say yes to everything, but we can all say yes to more things.
  2. In order to say yes you have to be ready for the opportunities that come to you...or you need to create them! Stop wishing things will go the way you want, and open your mind and heart to abundance. Things will come to you if you start letting go. If I wouldn’t have said yes to meeting Laura, I would have never gone on this trip and it never would have led to a lifelong friend.
  3. Stop judging. Start accepting people for who they are and where they are at. We are all struggling with different things. We don’t know their whole story. We have zero clue what people are going through. The only thing we can do is love. This entire weekend I spent with people who share different religious view, political perspectives, and standards in general. No one is better than the other. Everyone is DIFFERENT! That is what makes our friendship so amazing. In a world that is constantly being polarized, may we focus on our similarities and start with love instead of judgment.
  4. Have fun! Life, man; It’s a crap shoot. When you can have fun, do it! Today is a gift and tomorrow is never promised. Covid has thrown all of us and it’s easy to get in a slump, we can still have fun whether it’s a trip to Mexico or at home with the kids for the 5 millionth day in quarantine. Happiness is a choice. Having fun is a choice. Chose it!
Take what I say with a grain of salt. Take it or leave it. Love to you all. xoxox,
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