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Self Portrait Series 10/52

Throughout my self-portrait series, I’ve shared many of the things that make me who I am - my passions, my dreams, my quirks - but I haven’t yet touched on one of the most fundamental parts of who I am yet. 

I am a Christian. 

In today's world, Christianity is often looked at as something negative or controversial, but the truth is it’s very personal and so special to each individual person. Being a Christian, and taking upon myself the name of Christ, means absolutely everything to me. His teachings and what He represents are the very foundation of my life. I sometimes feel hesitant to talk about this part of myself because it’s so sacred and special to me, but I know that by doing so, I can come to an even deeper understanding of what it means to me. And whether you're Christian or not, this message may still resonate with you on some level. Many people that follow me aren't Christian, or religious, but I appreciate that they appreciate me for who I am.

On this platform, I try my hardest to share love and light every single day because that’s what Christ is. He is love. He is light. And I want to spread His love far and wide because it is SO powerful. It’s an unconditional love - the kind that heals wounds, forgives mistakes, and shines a light on the worth of each and every person.

Anyone that feels shame in being a Christian is missing the point. It’s easy to get distracted by politics, extremisms, differing values, and the mistakes made by individuals. What I believe God and Jesus Christ actually want is for us to love each other. For us to build each other up and to go through life helping each other. I think that’s the true message, and it gets lost among all the stupid fluff people attach to it. 

The older I get, the more I realize how alike most of us are. Sometimes religion can feel divisive, but as I've met people throughout the world with different beliefs, systems and religions, I’ve found that in our hearts we all want peace and we all want to feel loved.

I haven't always been so open or certain about my beliefs. It has taken many years, a lot of therapy, some experimentation, SO MUCH prayer, supplication, and searching to figure out what I truly believe in. I’ve deconstructed, inspected and pondered over the things I know, the things I want to believe, and the things I hope for. As I’ve been on this journey, it keeps bringing me closer to Christ. My relationship with Him has given me strength and helped me through so many hard times. There have been things I don't think I could have overcome without my Savior Jesus Christ. I’ve found that when I’m doing my best to center my life around Christ’s love, I feel more happiness, more love, and more peace. 

This holiday season, may we all feel peace and the joy that comes from believing in something bigger than ourselves. And may we look to the light and lead our lives with love.




Rachel Pierson

Beautifully said! Merry Christmas 🎄

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